Our Fees
The exact cost of your fee will depend on whether you are eligible for assistance from Centrelink, and the percentages you are eligible for.
Types of assistance you may get are:
Child Care Subsidy
Additional funding under the Child Care Safety Net
Other funding (ie from outside support agencies such as the Benevolent society, DCJ etc)
Please contact Centrelink for more information regarding each of the subsidies, and your eligibility.
Our full fees* are as follows (before any discounts/subsidies are applied):
Wanggaa Room (0-2 tears) $115.00 per day
Dhurinya Room (2-3 years) $114.00 per day
Warray Room (3-4 years) $113.00 per day
Nganhigu Room (4-5 years) $108.00
*Fees are subject to change.
Our Enrolment Process
Step One: Making An Enquiry
Enquiries can be made at any time by visiting, calling or emailing the service. We do have a waitlist so our first step is to respond to your enquiry by sending you a waitlist application. Alternatively these can be accessed via our webpage. Don't worry, this does not lock you in to accepting a position for your child without meeting us or seeing our beautiful service, but it does ensure that if you decide we are the right fit for you, you already have begun what can sometimes be a long process. We love to show our centre off and once we are closer to having a position become available we will offer you the opportunity to come and see what we have to offer. We are happy for you to pop up at any time, however calling ahead allows us to plan for your visit to ensure we can give you our full attention.
Once we have shown you through, and you have met our educators who will give you information on how our centre works, we can then discuss further what you are looking for, and what our availability is. You will be given an information pack and will be sent an enrolment form, and we can discuss fees, what benefits are available, and answer any other questions you may have.
There is a wait list on most days, so we may offer you alternate days, or continue to keep your child on the waiting list. We do work hard to fit children in on the preferred days, however, this can sometimes take a little time, and is priority based. As soon as a place becomes available, you will be notified and the position can be secured if still required.
Step Two: Enrolling
If you decide that we are the centre for you, simply complete the enrolment form and provide any additional information as required, then return it to us along with a $50 non refundable bond. We will then advise you of the next available start date for your child, as well as the cost of your fees. Two weeks fees are payable upon commencement. Our preferred payment method is Direct Debit which can be set up via our OWNA app.
Step Three: Orientation
We have found that children, and in particular our youngest babies, settle better when they have had several orientation visits. Preferably you will visit with your child, and stay for a short while to allow them to become used to the environment and the educators. This also allows the educators to get to know your child a bit better, and you can exchange information with each other regarding routines, likes, dislikes etc.
The next step we prefer is then leaving your child for a few hours, while you duck off for a well-earned coffee break. Again, we find this works best as some children need a few shorter days to become accustomed to the environment, and to get to know the educators. We try to make orientation a positive experience for everyone, and will use your child’s cues to determine what is going to work best for them, and for you.
Step Four: First Day at Bright Beginnings Early Learning Centre
It’s now time for your child to start their first full day. Our educators will help you to place your child’s belongings in their locker, see to drink bottles, dummies, bottles etc, exchange any relevant information, and sign your child in. Then it is time to say goodbye. We strongly encourage you to say goodbye to your child before you and reassure them you will be back later.